Sunday, November 5, 2017

It's Always an Adventure!

Trick or Treat! It's been an exciting week at Dryden. It all started with the Halloween parade and all the creative costumes by the students. We are very thankful for our PTA and the fun games and crafts they brought to the classroom parties. 

Since we have been reading A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole, our staff dressed up as mice and I dressed up as the osprey, Lafayette! It was a chilly but beautiful day for the Halloween parade!

Learning about the moon and stars has been quite an adventure in first grade! Science teachers from High Touch - High Tech came to share their expertise and bring some wonderful hands-on activities related to this topic. 

Meanwhile, our fifth graders have also been working on ways to create video demonstrations of the earth's rotation and revolution around the sun to explain how day, night and the seasons change. 

Reflecting on learning, and sharing and using feedback are powerful learning tools. Students researched and debated "Would you rather..." questions in math, reviewed one another's responses, and provided constructive feedback to one another in order to fine-tune their learning and responses. 

We are also excited and looking forward to welcoming local Veterans to Dryden this Friday. Students are creating a video that will be presented at an assembly honoring the veterans. 

Music teacher Mr. Deptula and many parent volunteers were working hard with the fourth grade students in rehearsing and preparing for their musical performance. 

The theme for their musical performance was a vacation around the world. The students sang, played the xylophone and percussion instruments, danced and acted out skits. It was great to hear songs from different cultures and languages. They did an outstanding job. Bravo!

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