Friday, March 11, 2016


For as long as I have been in schools, regardless of my role, I always feel like I am the student, learning from everyone around me. Recently, at our district's "Teachnology" Fair, our students were in the spotlight as teachers, and again they opened my eyes to a whole new world!

Students shared their passions, hobbies and skills with robotics, coding, computer programming, making movies, 3-D printing, and how things work. 

Their creative, curious and innovative mindsets were impressive! There was a wonderful atmosphere of sharing among everyone who attended.

As our students utilize technology and the Internet to learn, create and share, I'm thankful that our schools are focusing on wise use of the Internet and digital citizenship. As an example, the link below from our LMC demonstrates how our students learn to evaluate websites. 

Friday, March 4, 2016

Courage & Creativity

Last week, the PTA brought us the Band of Steel program from Urban Gateways. Through their musical performance and storytelling, the performers shared an inspirational message of how the natives of Trinidad used courage and creativity to express themselves through rhythm and music, and as a result ended up creating the musical instrument, the steel drums. 

 Our students demonstrated lots of creativity on Career Dress Day! It was exciting to see all the future athletes, executives, architects, chefs, musicians, artists, engineers and doctors! We are really striving to instill courage and creativity in our students because they will likely be creating and pursuing careers that currently do not even exist. I wonder what the world of work will look like when they become adults. 

Our fourth and fifth grade students demonstrated courage in trying a new sport--volleyball! The PTA 4th/5th Grade Volleyball Night was a lot of fun for our students and families. The teamwork, encouragement, energy and effort among our students and families was WONDERFUL!