Friday, September 11, 2015

Service and Remembrance

September 11, 2001 marks a significant and somber day in our nation's history that is often very difficult to talk about with young children. Yet, it is an important one to remember, and one in which we can pay tribute to those who were impacted and to those who risk their lives to serve and protect us.

At Dryden, we were inspired by the following video that was created by children who were born on September 11, 2001.

We focused on our responsibility as caring citizens to show compassion for those who are feeling sad and to honor service workers by performing a good deed or act of kindness. Although we always try to focus on good deeds and kindness at Dryden, we used September 11 as a special day to renew our commitment to this focus.

A string tied around a finger is a symbol people use to help them remember. Each student was given a red string to tie around their finger for doing a good deed on September 11 and then to remember to always be thinking of ways they can do good deeds and show kindness to others.

Every good deed helps make the world a better place. Good deeds give others hope for a brighter and more peaceful future. We thank our students, staff and families for helping to make September 11 a special day of service and remembrance!

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