Sunday, March 10, 2019

March Onward!

With so much to learn and so much to enjoy, the month of March is going by quickly!

We thank the PTA for a super-fun 4th & 5th Grade Volleyball Night! And, we thank our PE teacher, Mr. Gries, for all the behind-the-scenes set-up and take-down. It's great to see students and families come together for this event. It's also great to be able to let off some steam indoors when the weather is too crummy to play outside. 

It's been wonderful to see the creative writing and book-making our students are doing. They are learning to organize their thoughts, map out and expand on their ideas, work collaboratively, utilize feedback and so much more as they work through the writing process!


Engaging in inquiry keeps science meaningful and interesting for our students. Rather than just telling students the facts, our teachers invite our students in sharing their background knowledge and ask questions. As students read and explore, they then reflect and document what they have learned, noting similarities and differences to their background knowledge and whether they were able to answer any of their original questions. 

Hands-on exploration and data-collection is another way our students are learning about science and making hypotheses about friction. Below, students measured distances of how far programmable Spheros traveled on different surfaces. 

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