Monday, September 5, 2016

A Warm Welcome!

 Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! 
As you can see, Dryden Elementary School is the place to BE!

We were thrilled to meet everyone at the Ice Cream Social and on the first day of school. All of our staff wanted you to feel welcome and to know that we want to help your children reach their potential so that they can follow their dreams.

 We were so touched to receive such a warm welcome from our families, too! We thank the PTA for the yummy chocolate-covered strawberries. We agree that it is going to be a "berry" good year!

Walking through our school, you will notice all kinds of demonstrations of our interest in supporting children's unique curiosities, interests and creative ideas. We truly want students to feel ownership and enthusiasm for learning. Isn't that just "wonder-full"?! :) 

Furthermore, we want our students to know that our school is a safe place. Best effort is expected, but making mistakes is part of the learning process. Allowing for safe trial-and-error leads to innovation, creative problem-solving and resilience. 

We quickly got down to business in the classrooms, learning routines and expectations, 
getting to know one another,

setting goals, sharing hopes and dreams, 

and learning to communicate, collaborate and problem-solve.

What makes Dryden such a special place are the people! 
Everyone on our staff helped out in every way imaginable to make sure our students successfully learned the ropes during their first few days in school. 

Mrs. Beane and I refer to the Dryden staff as the "dream team". 
We could tell that the students felt the same way when we heard the children cheering for their teachers as we introduced them at our back-to-school assembly. 

And, the outpouring of parent support and volunteers is incredible! We were so excited to meet the PTA committee chairs and classroom representatives this week.

It's been an AWESOME first week back at school! 
We are looking forward to great year of learning and growing together!

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