As we head into our second month of the school year, we are literally and figuratively up and running!
The PTA Running Club kicked off last week with great success! It's wonderful to see so many children participating in the different stations--running bases, running laps, relays, and more! Many thanks to the parent volunteers who coordinate and help out this after-school club.
Some fourth and second grade students have been partnering in their study of landforms to find examples of specific landforms on different continents. They used google maps, took notes and drew illustrations of their findings.
PTA Art Appreciation volunteers met at school one evening to review the wide range of resources and activities that they can use to bring famous pieces of art and famous artists to life with our students. The art pieces they share with students align with the art lessons in Mrs. Fuglestad's art classes. When our students take field trips to the Art Museum, they make enthusiastic connections to their school experiences thanks to our Art Appreciation volunteers and Mrs. Fuglestad.
We've had our share of indoor recess this week due to the rainy weather. Regardless, the students have been enjoying building towers and pattern block designs, putting together puzzles, playing brain-teaser games and Twister, drawing and more!
It was great to see all the beautiful smiles on Picture Day!
Fourth grade students have been working hard and gearing up for the Global Cardboard Challenge! They creating a variety of games in which points can be scored. They are collecting data and feedback as they test out their games before the final presentations that will take place on October 13. This has been a very engaging and purposeful way for students to apply their mathematical learnings of mean, median and mode.
In the LMC, students are excited to learn about the books nominated for the 2016-2017 Dryden Dolphin Book Awards. Throughout the school year, students will be reading the nominated books and then voting for their favorites.You can learn more about these books by visiting the Dryden LMC website.