Sunday, May 15, 2016

Going Above & Beyond

 Hats off to Dryden's 5th Grade Track Team and PE teacher, Mr. Gries!  

  They really gave their best effort at the district's 5th grade track meet at South Middle School this past Wednesday.

What a great way to meet future middle school friends and enjoy some friendly competition!

Many classmates and families have been coming together to learn about the Personalized Learning Experiences of individual students.  

 During Personalized Learning, students work on questioning, documenting learning, giving and utilizing feedback, and reflecting on their learning. 

When students share their Personalized Learning Experiences, as teachers, parents and friends, we are able to better understand and support the passions, curiosities and talents of each individual student.

It's truly inspiring to see the growth in confidence and expertise of our students as they proudly share what they have learned! 

The demonstrate much innovation, problem-solving and creativity in sharing their learning journey. 

Our students would not have access to so many enriching learning and social opportunities without the dedication of so many wonderful volunteers. 

This week, we celebrated and paid tribute to the many ways volunteers have benefited our students and our school. According to our records, Dryden was 212 volunteers strong this year!

There is a lovely article and video highlighting Dryden's volunteer celebration that is posted on the district website. You can access it by clicking here.  Also, please enjoy this uplifting video made by our students and Tech Facilitator Beth Breaux thanking our volunteers for their dedication:

Our students, staff and volunteers certainly go above and beyond to make Dryden such an incredible school community!

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