Thinking about Thinking (Metacognition): Being aware of your own thoughts, strategies, feelings, actions and their effects on others.
Questioning and Posing Problems: Having a questioning attitude. Knowing what data are needed, and developing questioning strategies to produce those data. Finding problems to solve.

Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision: Striving for accurate communication in both written and oral forms. Avoiding over-generalizations, distortions, deletions and exaggerations.
Creating, Imagining and Innovating: Trying a different way. Generating new and novel ideas with fluency and originality.
Thinking Interdependently: Working together. Being able to work with and learn from others in reciprocal situations. Working as a team.
Thinking Flexibly: Looking at things in a different way. Being able to change perspectives, generate alternative and consider options.

Striving for Accuracy: Checking your work. Always doing your best. Setting high standards. Finding ways to constantly improve.

Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations: Using what you learn. Accessing prior knowledge beyond the situation in which it was learned.

Remaining Open to Continuous Learning: Having the mindset "I have so much more to learn!" Having humility and pride when admitting we don't know. Resisting complacency.
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