Top o' the morning to you! Spring is a welcome season to the Chicago area this year!
The African drums have made their way to Dryden! Students are enjoying the sounds and rhythms of these beautiful instruments. This is "hands-on" learning at its finest!
You may have heard of Google's 20% time to promote their employees' creativity and innovation. At Dryden and across Arlington Heights School District 25, a similar experience is being piloted in classrooms called Problem-Solving Innovation time (PSI).
Students pose their own question, problem, or challenge of interest and then design a plan to explore this inquiry and, ultimately, share their findings with others.
As the students explore their own interests, they are active documenters of their learning, ongoing reflectors of their progress, and continuous self-assessors.
The PSI experience is designed to help students develop District 25’s Habits of Mind that can be applied to the learning that is of great importance and interest to them personally.
The skills they learn as part of the PSI experience are skills which can be applied to all learning. The PSI experience is an educational journey in which children can learn about themselves and the ways in which they respond to challenges and obstacles.
Students come to understand the value of reflection as a portal to learning and understanding as well as the benefits of self-assessment and peer critique.