Monday, May 27, 2013

What a WONDER-full Spring at Dryden

What a WONDER-full spring it has been at Dryden! We were captivated as Gertrude the Duck successfully led her 10 ducklings out of the Dryden courtyard and into the big, big world. 

Similarly, our fifth grade students are ready to spread their wings as they leave Dryden and head to South Middle School. They demonstrated maturity and responsibility during World of Work Day in downtown Arlington Heights. We wish our Fifth Graders all the best. They are truly “UNSTOPPABLE”!

Our Kindergarten students our growing up, too! Here they are singing a song written by art teacher Mrs. Fuglestad at their spring musical performance:

It takes a very talented, dedicated staff and a very strong, supportive parent partnership to make the school year a successful one for children. This spring we have been able to celebrate and share our appreciation of everyone’s hard work during Staff Appreciation Week and the Volunteer and PTA Recognitions. The sincere expressions of gratitude from students, parents and staff for one another through letters, posters, videos, food and handmade gifts meant so much to all of us who are so committed to making each day a WONDER-full experience for the children at Dryden. 

PTA Moms and Munchies

Teachers training teachers... 
They brought back many great ideas to share from the ICE (Illinois Computing Educators) Conference. 
There were many exciting learning opportunities at Dryden this spring. Following are just a few of the highlights:
Author visits from Jennifer Ward and Bill Buczinsky thanks to our LMC and PTA

Live interactive presentation by University of Minnesota Raptor Center in 3rd Grade
First grade studying wind with the wind socks they created
Hosting middle school students from Shitara, Japan
Twelve teachers and administrators from Shitara, Japan came to Dryden to learn about elementary education in the United States...
Our warm and welcoming students and staff quickly made our guests feel right at home, and soon they were participating right along side the students!

The Arlington Heights Council of PTAs awarded two Dryden alums and several other former AHSD25 students with generous college scholarships. These scholarship recipients attributed their academic success and desire to make a positive impact on the greater community to their teachers and families who upheld high expectations and never stopped believing in students' abilities to reach their highest academic and citizenship potential. 

The Dryden Courtyard has been a special place for learning and reflection over the years. Thanks to the ABC25 Marion Elliot Grant, we are able to bring some enhancements to the courtyard this spring and in the coming school year. 
Kindergarten students create mud pies and nests out of dirt and straw.
A snapshot of the courtyard prior to enhancements... 
A view of the courtyard with the walking path and rock exploration space... arched bridge, student-created stepping stones, mystery rock cart, stump seating, compost tumbler, rain gauge and bird houses soon to come!

May the summer vacation bring your families continued special moments of WONDER and enjoyment. Read lots of good books, play outside, enjoy the arts and keep us posted on your many exciting adventures, whether through traveling or in the neighborhood. Send us a postcard or email. Have a great summer!

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