Sunday, August 25, 2019

A Warm Welcome

It's great to be back at Dryden! We are excited to kick off the school year and make it the best one yet! I am so proud of the way our students and staff are going above and beyond to help our new students, families and staff feel welcome!

Our fifth grade students gave tours of the school to our new students and families before the first day. They did a fantastic job answering questions and showing them all the special places in our building. 

This amazing Dryden Dolphin folded 80 origami dolphins - one for every new student at Dryden! What a caring heart!

We thank our PTA and staff for giving our students a warm welcome at the Meet & Greet and Ice Cream Social before the first day as well. The buzz of excitement in meeting teachers and seeing classrooms for the first time was exhilarating!

Another fun back-to-school tradition at Dryden is when our staff "chalks the walk" to write and draw welcoming messages to our students on the first day of school. Unfortunately, it rained shortly after we did this. Fortunately, a few of the messages remained for students to see on the first day!

So many supplies!! It was great seeing students cooperate and help each other organize their many school supplies for the year. We can't wait to use them all!

It was so precious to see classroom teachers taking class photos of their students on the first day of school. What special memories they are capturing! We are so fortunate to have such caring teachers who help make their classes feel like a family. 

A fantastic first lunch by our first graders! With help from our  staff, the first graders did a great job getting their lunches, eating, cleaning up then going to recess on their first day of school!

Welcome back! The books missed you, and so did I! I look forward to a "wonder-full" year of learning and playing together! It's going to be the best school year yet!