The joyful noise of the learning and excitement of our students is music to my ears!
I loved that so many fourth grade students were so interested in trying out different band instruments. I wonder what they will end up choosing to play as fifth-grade students.
The fifth-grade musical performance was AMAZING! I am so proud of our fifth-grade students for the singing, dancing, acting, and instrument-playing they were all a part of. This is a special time to celebrate how far they have come and all that they have accomplished while at Dryden. We are going to miss them, but we wish them all the best. While we say "once a Dolphin always a Dolphin", these students are certainly ready to soar as South Middle School Cardinals!
The sounds of birds chirping and ducks quacking in the courtyard is music to my ears, too! It was a special celebration in the courtyard with our Environmental Committee as we recognized their accomplishments from this past school year - Waste-Free Lunch Day, advocacy for reusable lunch trays, recycling crayons and collection of bottle caps. Way to go!!
The excitement of students trying to figure out their Mystery Skype pals across the country was music to my ears. It's wonderful seeing how they are connecting with others and learning about the places others come from through this fun activity.
The wonder and excitement of these students as they examine bugs and do other science experiments with High-Touch/High-Tech was also music to my ears. It's so great that our students are able to have such engaging hands-on learning explorations with scientists from this organization!