What a week of great care and courage by the Dryden Dolphins!
It was impressive to see the courage of our 5th grade band students at their concert performance! They were so in sync! They have come a long way since first beginning in the fall.
It's always so great to see the care and attention our students put into learning about the things they are so personally interested in. This quiet student taught herself to play the piano. When she performed "Jingle Bells" for her class, her peers were so impressed. One classmate told her, "Your performance took my breath away!" Imagine the impact of this positive feedback on this student!
We thank the PTA for their care and courage to bring our families together by trying something new! There was a nice turnout and the children had fun with their friends at our first PTA family movie night.
We are SUPER proud of our Environmental Committee for being so caring and courageous. They came up with, planned and campaigned for a Less Trash Bash for Dryden. During the Less Trash Bash, only 4 garbage cans were filled during the lunch hour instead of the typical 12. They surpassed their goal of cutting the amount of trash in half! We are so proud of this committee's leadership, our school community's participation and the positive impact this makes on the environment!
We are seeing the fruits of student writing opportunities that allow for greater student choice in what to write about. The two students below chose to write about how they met and became best friends, each story from their own perspective. Their stories are very heartwarming because they capture the feelings and empathy for being a newcomer to Dryden from another country. I'm so proud of these two students for their caring and courageous acts of friendship, for telling their story and for sharing some important life lessons for us all!