Sunday, June 3, 2018

Big Splash!

Our recent Field Day was a splashing success thanks to the efforts of our PE teacher, Mr. Gries and our PTA, as well as the wonderful involvement of over 100 parent volunteers, so many fun activities and beautiful weather!

Relay Races!

The Big Splash water bucket was a highlight for our students! A huge thank you to the many teachers who volunteered to sit under the bucket and get wet!

Limbo! How low can you go?

All kinds of skills were practiced! Look at this balance!

Sponge toss!

What great teamwork!

So many ways to use hula hoops!

Kickball is always a favorite.

I remember playing the clothes pin drop game when I was a little kid, too. Some things never get old. :)

More teamwork and imagination passing the "ice cream" from cone to cone without dropping it. 

We used every inch of play space - volleyball in the gym...

... and bean bag toss in the court yard!

What an amazing day and amazing way to celebrate together at Dryden!!