This what we saw when we entered the art classroom this week, and it left us thinking about what we would like to create.
Kindergarteners created snow people in art! But, it wasn't just art they were learning. They were learning and using a lot of important math concepts such as equal, larger, smaller and half.
Then, they learned techniques for using the paint brush and small amounts of paint to neatly add colorful details.
Our field trip to Futabakai Japanese School gave our students a wonderful opportunity to create deeper understandings about the Japanese culture and create stronger friendships with those in our school exchange program.
Students at Futabakai created fun, interactive games for us to play at their annual festival.
And, they created many beautiful origami trinkets for prizes that our students admired and treasured!
Our fifth grade students worked together to create posters featuring important information about the Bill of Rights. Each group collaborated on a specific amendment, then presented this information to the class. We call this method of learning and sharing information "jigsaw".
CONGRATULATIONS to all of our students who participated in the PTA Reflections Art Program! The theme this year was "Within Reach". Our students created visual art, a piano performance and creative writing! Two of our students will have their artwork presented at the state level, and one student will be presented at the county level. We are so proud of and inspired by our students' creative endeavors!