As we reflect on 2017, we are just beaming with pride over all of our students' learning and accomplishments!
We are very proud of how our students are applying their learning and using their creativity as they prepare for the all-school Cardboard Challenge. Our fifth grade students have been researching what it will take for humans to travel to Mars. They are applying what they have learned as they build and design space crafts of the future. I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up becoming astronauts or engineers at NASA.
Similarly, these fourth grade students have been making exciting discoveries in math as they study lines and angles. Here, they are categorizing and sorting photographs according to similar line patterns. It's exciting to listen to the way they question and challenge one another's thinking as they realize there are many ways to organize information and solve problems.
This is perhaps the most amazing, dedicated, hardworking group of teachers one will ever find! They truly bring out the best in our students and one another. They inspire us beyond belief.
Dryden's students, staff and families are the reasons why you will always see Assistant Principal Mrs. Beane and me beaming with Dolphin Pride!
Happy Holidays!
May 2018 be filled with much happiness and health for you!