Throughout Character Counts Week, students wrote their names on hearts and added to our Caring Tree to pledge against bullying and promise to be caring to others at Dryden.
It's great to see our caring grow!
We focused on making healthy choices during the lunch hour. Mrs. Moxley and Student Council tallied the fruits and vegetables students were eating throughout the week.
At recess, students drew and wrote messages and drew pictures to show their school pride and how
"Character Counts" at Dryden.
"Character Counts" at Dryden.
Our students learn so much about good character by the examples set by the adults around them.
Below is a photo of our lunch supervisors working together to bring in the school lunches one rainy day last week. They always have a positive outlook, and really care about our students!
On that same rainy day, our Facilities Operations Manager, Mr. Bob, was at Dryden very early in the morning to accept a delivery of pumpkins and set up a pumpkin patch to surprise all of our first grade students. He assisted the students in selecting and carrying the heavy, slippery wet pumpkins to their classrooms safely throughout the morning.
In the classroom, students weighed and measured their pumpkins.
Many caring adults like Mrs. Riesing and Mrs. Beane volunteered their time to help the students design and carve their pumpkins into creative jack-o-lanterns.
Amidst the excitement of Character Counts Week and pumpkin-carving, our teachers observed demonstration lessons together and participated in valuable professional learning conversations about the teaching of reading. Our teachers love teaching AND learning!
The film, Movement, created by former Dryden Dolphins under the direction of Art Teacher, Mrs. Fuglestad was featured at the Chicago International Children's Film Festival over the weekend. Their film was presented along with other films created by children from countries all over the world.
They were honored guests at the Film Festival. After the showing of their film, they were interviewed and answered questions from the audience.
This weekend also is an important weekend for the Chicago Cubs! Many of our students and staff are cheering them on in the World Series.
Go, Cubs, Go!