Throughout every week at Dryden there are countless moments that fill my heart and inspire me to do my very best for our students, staff and families. Here are a few highlights from this past week...
Our Book Buddies Club is underway! It is such a treat to see our older students (and possibly future teachers!) helping our younger students develop their reading skills by playing games, making words and reading books together.
How wonderful it was to have so many families and teachers meet up to walk to school on Walk to School Day this past Wednesday! It was a beautiful spring morning to appreciate our environment, get some fresh air, and exercise. Our safety patrols and crossing guard commented that with having so few cars at morning drop-off, it felt safer and calmer as everyone made their way to Dryden.
Our music teacher, Mr. Deptula, and the kindergarten students sang to Mrs. Kelly on her birthday.
Music is a special gift that brings people together, helps us celebrate, and fills our hearts with joy.
Mr. Deptula is also hard at work rehearsing with our fifth grade students for their upcoming musical performance, which is both joyful and bittersweet. This is the time of year we celebrate the wonderful accomplishments of this special group of students and prepare to send them off with many well-wishes as they head to middle school. We are so proud of the growth they have made at Dryden, and we will miss them!
This is also the time of year we are welcoming the Class of 2029. That's the year our incoming kindergarteners will be graduating from high school! We were thrilled to meet so many nice families at Kindergarten Information Night. This was a special night for incoming kindergarten families to get to know each other, visit our school and learn about the kindergarten program.
This is a very exciting time for transitions and celebrations for all of us at Dryden!