Every day at Dryden, I am constantly inspired by our students, staff and families.
This past Wednesday was World Read Aloud Day. The purpose of this day was to bring global attention to the importance of reading aloud and sharing stories. I was so inspired to see how much our students treasured reading and were so thankful for all the wonderful books we have available in our school.
It was incredibly inspiring to see our fifth grade students reading aloud to their kindergarten buddies.
The fifth grade students brought their favorite books from when they were in kindergarten, and carefully selected books they thought their buddies would enjoy.
PTA Book Clubs are underway! It is so inspiring to see so MANY parent volunteers and students sharing their love of books and poetry during the lunch recess hour.
Our Caring Club and friends from the Moorings inspire me to no end. This week they came together to share some good books and play a fun game of BINGO.
What a most pleasant surprise to receive a visit from a most inspirational former teaching colleague this week! I learned that the children of my friend, Margaret, once attended Dryden. What a small world! Margaret was an LMC Director when I was a classroom teacher. She constantly inspired me and pushed me to take on new challenges in my career. Together with other teachers we planned and implemented young author conferences and colonial day festivals. What fond memories we shared!
The creativity, courage and passion of all of the students, parents and staff who participated in last week's PTA Variety Show was incredibly inspirational. I am so proud of every student who performed. I hope the students' Variety Show experiences inspire them to continue working at and sharing their passions and creativity with others.
The courageous and fun-loving personality of our staff always inspires me! I love how they stepped out of their comfort zone and learned a new dance to entertain and show their support for our students and families at the Variety Show. They certainly are a staff of many talents!