Friday, September 25, 2015

Just Jump!

What a fun day for our students! Our PTA and PE Teacher Mr. Gries worked together on this special event for our school. Each year, the PTA sponsors a fundraiser that supports many (over 60) enriching programs such as Birthday Books, Book Club, Ice Cream Social, Field Day, Running Club, author visits and assemblies. This year's fundraiser, Just Jump!, involved our students during their recess time while promoting their fitness. During the physical education classes leading up to this event, Mr. Gries taught the students about volunteering and what the PTA does for our school. Mr. Gries also made sure that every student from kindergarten through fifth grade had opportunities to learn, practice and meaningfully participate on this big day. 

Speaking from experience today, jumping rope is not that easy. I tripped and missed the rope many times. However, with the students' enthusiasm and encouragement, I kept trying and felt like I was doing much better at the end of the event than I was at the beginning. Even though I still have a lot of room for improvement, I felt proud of what I was able to learn, practice and accomplish today. Amidst the many different skills and talents of all of our jump ropers today, the main focus was on giving their best effort and having fun. That's ideally what all learning should entail--enthusiasm, encouragement, effort and fun!

Friday, September 18, 2015

We Are Lifelong Learners!

This week, teachers across our school district participated in professional development using a "demonstration lesson" model. We benefitted from this experience today at Dryden. A teacher consultant provided a demonstration of a reading workshop lesson for the teachers to observe. Before observing the lesson, there was discussion about what to anticipate during the lesson. The teachers and I then spent time in the classroom observing the actual lesson and taking notes. Afterwards, we all met to debrief by asking questions and noting what new ideas we can bring to the classroom to make our reading instruction even more impactful. It was such a great experience for our students and staff!

This lesson on the comprehension strategy of visualization ("making a movie in my mind") began with the teacher explaining how to use the strategy and why it is helpful. She demonstrated to the students how she used this strategy as she read aloud to the class. 

After the students observed the teacher using the strategy, the teacher read another passage from the text and encouraged the students to practice visualizing the text. Students then were instructed to "turn and talk" about what they were visualizing. 

The gradual release of responsibility for utilizing this reading strategy from teacher to student continued. As students read books of their choice independently, they jotted notes and simple sketches of their visualizations of text. 

The teacher conferenced with individual students and small groups while the rest of the class read independently, noting the different reading skills and strategies the students were applying and providing individualized guided instruction.

At the end of the reading workshop period, students were encouraged to share their notes and sketches with their peers. It was so rewarding to see their interest and excitement about reading and sharing their understandings and interpretations of text!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Service and Remembrance

September 11, 2001 marks a significant and somber day in our nation's history that is often very difficult to talk about with young children. Yet, it is an important one to remember, and one in which we can pay tribute to those who were impacted and to those who risk their lives to serve and protect us.

At Dryden, we were inspired by the following video that was created by children who were born on September 11, 2001.

We focused on our responsibility as caring citizens to show compassion for those who are feeling sad and to honor service workers by performing a good deed or act of kindness. Although we always try to focus on good deeds and kindness at Dryden, we used September 11 as a special day to renew our commitment to this focus.

A string tied around a finger is a symbol people use to help them remember. Each student was given a red string to tie around their finger for doing a good deed on September 11 and then to remember to always be thinking of ways they can do good deeds and show kindness to others.

Every good deed helps make the world a better place. Good deeds give others hope for a brighter and more peaceful future. We thank our students, staff and families for helping to make September 11 a special day of service and remembrance!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Lots to Share!

We just completed our first week of school, and it feels great! We extend our thanks to all the parents who joined us for Curriculum Night. Teachers shared lots of helpful information about our educational program at Dryden. Our students greatly benefit from this strong partnership between parents and teachers.

I've also enjoyed getting into classrooms to read the story, Taking a Bath with the Dog & Other Things that Make Me Happy.  During this interactive read aloud, the students and I have been able to share connections, highlight interesting details, make predictions and express our interpretations of the life lessons this story has to offer. It is my hope that Dryden is a place where every child can experience daily the joy and wonder of reading a wide variety of enriching texts, and that all of our students carry this love of reading with them throughout their entire lives.