Friday, June 5, 2015

Sliding into Summer...

Wow! We were so fortunate to have so many amazing volunteers (and good weather!) to make Field Day a special day for our students! A picnic lunch and afternoon of games outside with our classmates was an ideal way to celebrate the end of a great school year. We give special thanks to Mrs. Seyer and the Field Day team of volunteers who planned and coordinated this amazing afternoon for our whole school!

All of our students in grades 3-5 participated in Personalized Learning experiences this year. Through these experiences, students learn how to effectively 
  • ask thoughtful questions and share their wonders
  • locate and evaluate reliable sources of information
  • take notes, organize and summarize
  • give and receive constructive feedback with one another
  • document their learning

We hope our students enjoyed these experiences so much that they will be motivated to continue their own personalized learning throughout the summer!

"How do trees give out oxygen?"

"How does corn turn into popcorn?"

"Which stock makes more money?"

"How do we recognize different smells?"

Although we are "sliding into summer", we do not want our students to experience "summer slide". Summer slide is when students lose some of the skills they had worked hard to acquire during the school year. Reading lots of good books is one way to prevent summer slide. Miss Julie came to Dryden to promote the summer reading program for children at the Arlington Heights Memorial Library. Not only do they have a huge selection of books for children to enjoy, they also have many special events planned throughout the summer. Please check it out!

On behalf of everyone at Dryden Elementary School, we wish all of our families a wonderful, fun-filled summer vacation. Thank you for making it such a rewarding school year! It is such an honor and a privilege to serve our students. We look forward to seeing you back at school in August!