Thursday, January 30, 2014

Reading, Research and Inquiry

Walking through school today, it was so impressive to see students of all grade levels engrossed in close reading, research and inquiry.

Fifth grade students were discussing and writing about "words worth noticing" as they read about the various human body systems. It was great to see them identifying relevant, complex academic vocabulary to help them comprehend important information. This is much more meaningful and students have more ownership of their learning compared to when students are given a list of vocabulary words to look up and define. 

I learned so much about Australia from these second grade researchers. They were so articulate in their description of the geography, climate, animals and culture of this unique country. The collaboration in questioning and sharing discoveries of new information was inspirational!

First and second grade students narrow and identify topics of interest and formulate questions as they delve more deeply into their research on dinosaurs.   

Inquiry is the foundation of our science curriculum. First grade students ask and then make predictions about what will happen when two magnets are put together. 

Fourth grade students investigate differences in weight and mass as matter changes into different states. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

What Do Dolphins Do?

As we rolled out the New Year, we also rolled out the Dryden Dolphin Do's--Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible. The Dolphin Do's were created with input from all of our staff to promote a positive school culture based on a set of common expectations. All of our home expectations may be quite diverse from one another, so clear, common expectations empower every child to be successful in the school setting. When we know what's expected of us, we are more successful in our interactions and relationships with our peers as well as better able to focus on the important learning at hand.

Our Student Council played a very important role in rolling out the Dolphin Do's. They worked with their classrooms to teach the younger students about the Dolphin Do's. 

The older students helped the younger students practice the expected behaviors in the different school locations. Here, some fifth grade students teach younger students how to approach Mrs. Lane, our Administrative Assistant, when they go to the office.

Our student leaders photographed their peers modeling the expected behaviors. These photos will be used to create posters that will be displayed as positive reminders throughout our school. 

The older students gained an appreciation of what it is like to be a teacher to young children. One student commented, "Wow! Being a teacher is really hard work!"

The younger children really look up to our older students as role models. They really enjoyed the caring, personalized attention and learned a lot!