Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bully Prevention Strategies

At Dryden, we are always striving to ensure the safest and most caring environment for students. Throughout the month of April I am visiting each classroom to talk to the children about Bully Prevention strategies. Having the same message about common strategies and protocols throughout the whole school empowers our students and enables our staff to be a consistent, positive support to one another.

Bullies often do what they do because they are able to get attention from others by using hurtful words or actions. The strategies that we encourage empower students to prevent a bully from getting that attention and continuing hurtful behavior.

Here are the steps we encourage the children to take, whether they feel they are being bullied or see someone else being bullied:

1. Tell the bully to "STOP" in a firm voice.
2. If the bully does not stop, immediately WALK away.
3. If the bully continues, TALK to the nearest staff member immediately.

Students are assured that if at any time they feel the problem might be serious, to immediately talk to the nearest staff member. In serious situations, they should skip the first two steps.

The students in each classroom are doing a great job practicing and gaining confidence in using these strategies through role-playing.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Movin', Groovin', and Making a Difference

What an amazing week we have had at Dryden! 

Our fifth grade students worked diligently to collect school supplies and toiletries to send to McCutcheon School in Chicago. They publicized this service project by creating posters and giving public service announcements. They spent their lunch hours sorting and packing the donations. Monday, April 15th is the last day donations will be accepted. For a complete list of donation items, please visit the Dryden PTA website. In addition to all the students, parents and staff who donated their time and provided supplies to send to McCutcheon School, we send a huge thank you to Mrs. Ryerson for spearheading this service project and to the Dryden family who donated $500 to give to McCutcheon School. 

Our PTA provided a warm welcome to the families of our incoming kindergarten students during Kindergarten Screening this week. Kindergarten Screening helps us get to know each child and plan for their unique learning needs. We greatly appreciate all the hospitality from our PTA in helping parents with little ones feel comfortable and encouraged to be involved in our school from the very start!

We had two wonderful opportunities for fun and fitness with Dryden families and staff this week. It was a delight to see everyone at the PTA Rollerskating party Wednesday evening. Then, early Saturday morning, many of us gathered at South Middle School in the freezing cold for the ABC/25 Just Move It! Challenge 5K and Fun Run. All proceeds from this event go directly to the scholarship and grant funds that benefit our students.The cheers and enthusiasm from the crowd soon warmed us up and the sun actually broke through.  It was wonderful to see the community come together and have such a great representation from Dryden.